You've probably heard about Vine, but you may not have gotten to explore this program yet. Vine is a smartphone app that allows consumers to create and share very short videos. Interestingly, marketers are jumping on this application as a way to advertise products and services that they offer. Companies even offer current and potential customers quick "how-to" lessons on how to use the item they are selling.

If you own a business and are interested in incorporating this software into your advertising scheme, then feel free to do so, following the advice of iMedia Connection, a marketing resource website:

1) Explore it before using it

Like any mobile app that you use to market your business, it's important you become familiar with it. Spend some time playing around with it before you begin sharing videos with consumers.

2) Keep in mind its purpose

Vine is storytelling software and should be used as such. Certain things are better left as a picture. 

3) Be creative

Like all successful marketing campaigns, what you do with Vine needs to be creative. After all, how else are you going to capture a viewer's attention? Make your videos memorable and you'll find your content is more successful at capturing business.

4) Pay attention to your competition

Check out whether competing companies are using Vine. Use this information to determine what their clips are missing and jump on it. 

Of course, using Vine is just one way to launch a successful advertising initiative. In addition to using this software, you should also think about reaching out to a local business internet marketing firm that can optimize your website for mobile, organize pay-per-click campaigns and assist with search marketing.