Key Media Solutions is an agency that helps create, launch and execute successful marketing campaigns. We assist our clients with display and video advertising and search marketing. Our company recently added a mobile solution to our available list of services, which allows our experts to integrate all of your online campaigns onto devices like smartphones and tablets. This means that we are even able to run banner ads in internet browsers, like Google, and apps. What's the end result? Your business will get maximum exposure. 

Thanks to our mobile solution, we'll have access to the latest ad serving, campaign management tools and web analytics. That means we'll help you reach your desired audience. For example, if you own a store and want to target women in the area, we can publish ads for your retail outfit that will appear on their gadgets. The ability to do this is known as geotargeting, and it's more helpful than you probably think. In fact, studies have shown that 30 percent of respondents use their mobile device to look up information including coupons, promotions and other great deals near them.

To help ensure that your mobile banner ad campaign is successful, our agents take into account:

  1. Industry (Sports, shopping, technology, entertainment and more)
  2. Demographic (Age, gender and location)
  3. Technology (BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, internet connection) 
  4. Services (Click-to-call, location-based, lead generation, click to music, click to download, click to mobile web, click to social media, and click to play video. If you don't have these set up, we can help assist with this.)
  5. Real-time campaign analytics and optimization
  6. Pixel tracking (This allows for control of the conversion process with end-to-end ad-flow management.)

One of the great things about our mobile solution is that it works on almost all devices and apps. Our geotargeting capabilities even allow us to target your audience by city. To learn more about this service and how it can increase traffic to your business, don't hesitate to contact us. Our Key Media Solutions agents can be reached at 605-310-7168.