You’ve probably heard a lot lately about the importance of mobile optimization, and for good reason. As the number of smartphone and tablet users increases, marketers need to reach their potential customers through these products. Your client base will be searching for businesses that provide your products or services on their mobile devices. Here’s what you can do to improve your chances of being found:

  • Create short and easy-to-scan content – Don’t forget that smartphone screens are small. Viewers don’t want to waste their time and strain their eyes scrolling. Keep all of the most important information – what you offer and your contact information – at the top of the page.
  • Consider new search trends – Mobile device users often employ the services of voice programs like Siri to find the information that they need. It may be wise to consult with an internet marketing firm to learn more about how to utilize this technology to your advantage.
  • Keep the same mobile and desktop URL – Many consumers aren’t going to wait for a redirect to load on their phone. Using the same address also enables users to share the content with others more easily and will enhance your site’s value to search engines.
  • Use mobile-friendly keywords – If keywords are a part of your marketing strategy, be sure to use a few that match what would most likely be typed on a phone rather than on a full keyboard. This means that search terms should be shorter, and possibly similar to commonly used predictive text phrases.

Firms interested in learning more about search engine marketing for small business should consider partnering with KeyMedia Solutions.