The holiday shopping season is right around the corner and many small businesses are finishing up last minute marketing changes and tactics.

As discussed by this blog, the majority of consumers with smartphones plan on using the devices to match prices and look for better deals, whether they're online or in-store. Therefore, using targeted internet marketing on mobile platforms is especially important during this holiday season, as this is where the undecided shoppers are most likely to be swayed.

"We anticipate that retailers will increasingly interact with mobile shoppers this holiday season," Alison Paul, vice chairman of Deloitte, said in a press release. "This holiday season, branded applications, Wi-Fi connectivity and personalized, location-based promotions from retailers can enable shoppers to make an immediate buying decision in the store."

Paul went on to explain that 21 percent of consumers with a smartphone are more likely to purchase a product from a store if they provide consumers with an e-commerce application for their devices.

Deloitte's research also shows that while most consumers will be using their smartphones for "showrooming" behaviors, almost 70 percent will also find out about deals and promotions through a combination of print, online and mobile marketing formats.

Therefore, although many consumers may be using mobile as a way to make final decisions, their information gathering process will involve a number of different resources. To prepare for this, small businesses may want to refocus their internet marketing campaigns to ensure they maximize the potential of this holiday season.