The use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become such a concern for small business internet marketing recently that it can be easy to make mistakes or take shortcuts in pursuit of more clicks. Interestingly enough, a recent article posted on VentureBeat has suggested that the best strategy for those looking to see improvements in SEO might be to ignore it, or at least act as if it isn’t an issue.

“It’s about creating value (content); it’s about creating long-term relationships with key players (links); it’s about reaching your target market before they begin to find you through Google,” the author says, and while they do admit that this sort of approach to content works gradually, the article also claims that the results will survive longer and reap greater rewards in the long run.

He also offered up a series of tips for implementing this particular brand of small business online marketing:

  • Keep a cool head about Google and worry more about pleasing your audience. It’s not worth putting too much energy into getting crawled more quickly or having a higher ranking if it means the quality of the content itself takes a nosedive.
  • Share links that are actually valuable as opposed to purely promotional. As the article puts it, “If you promote mediocre content elsewhere, you run the risk of destroying brand reputation.” Distributing material that one finds genuinely useful can be a key way to build relationships with others.
  • Sincerity. “Sustainable SEO is about being genuine,” the author says, and that can apply to all aspects of a company’s marketing, no matter on what platform it’s displayed.

There’s no reason small business internet marketing can’t engage an audience while also becoming popular. Key Media Solutions can help your company achieve greater search success and a stronger internet presence.