As reported by this blog, social media has become a main staple in small business internet marketing. With its ability to connect with customers and get introduced to new ones, its usefulness is unparalleled with any other marketing platform.

According to the New York Times, social media isn't just good for connecting with consumers and building a base of followers and loyal customers. The new technology can be used as a sort of real-time focus group for product testing.

For example, Flash Purchase, a company based in Charlotte, North Carolina, has created surveys that were implemented on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn that have allowed the owner, Michael Sinsheimer, to gain key details into their ideal demographic, remodeling certain aspects of business for them.

But while many companies may be using social media as a means to test the waters with new products or services, it still remains as one of the best platforms for targeted internet marketing, so long as it's used properly.

According to the Miami Herald, the ongoing Olympic Games can teach important lessons on how to use social media for small business internet marketing. Using the examples of the Greek triple jumper and the Swiss soccer player, who lost their privilege to compete in the games because of their Twitter conduct, the source states that it's important for all business to think before they tweet. Many companies can lose their customer base if they tweet the wrong things.

In addition, it's important that companies not only listen to customer complaints, but also reply quickly and effectively. For example, when the Olympics began being televised, many individuals who were unable to procure tickets were upset that so many seats were left unfilled and took to social media to vent their frustrations. The International Olympic Committee responded quickly and was even able to distribute tickets to many of the individuals who were unable to get them the first time around.