Have you ever gone to a website and looked at something you thought about buying? You were strong enough to put down your credit card and leave without spending any money, but then something interesting happens. A few days later, you notice that product showing up in advertisements no matter where you go online. It’s not a coincidence; it’s Remarketing in action.

Remarketing is an online targeting tactic that companies use to advertise to people that have completed a certain action. The companies can then measure this on their website. The most common of these actions is when a person visits a website. Remarketing is used to re-engage with these past users.

Starting Remarketing

A small piece of code is added to a certain landing page or the entire site controlled by the advertisers. Once a user goes to your site or specific page, they’re cookied. Cookies are a way a visitor is tagged and remembered for later. Once the visitor leaves your website, the advertiser is able to show them ads on other websites throughout the internet.

In addition, you’re able to create specific audiences from certain actions the users complete. There are tons of events you can track, but some of the most common ones are:

Visit your website

This audience is for anyone who has visited your website. Whether they were there for three seconds or three minutes, they can be shown a Remarketing ad. This audience is pretty broad, but it’s a great way to build brand recognition to users that aren’t familiar with your business.

Cart Abandoners

This audience is for anyone who put something in their shopping cart, but left the site before they completed their order. According to Wishpond, 72% of online shoppers are likely to abandon their shopping carts prior to making a purchase. Without Remarketing, only 8% of those customers return to complete their transactions. With Remarketing, the percentage of users who return and complete the check-out process increases to 26%.

Visited a certain product page without converting

Show ads of specific products or services to this audience of visitors that were looking at the specific product, but never converted the sale. Showing specific product ads later in the day or later in the week, will help remind the visitor of the product and hopefully bring them back to the website to purchase the product or service.

Why should your business use Remarketing?

You should use Remarketing because you’re targeting users that have an interest in what you’re selling or promoting. They’ve been to your site and they’re becoming more familiar with your brand, and the more they see your ads and your brand, you’ll become a brand they can trust. Remarketing also gives off an impression that you’re a huge, global brand that’s all over the internet, which also helps with brand trust. Brand awareness and trust are huge factors in getting visitors to convert.

They say you only have one chance to make a first impression. With Remarketing, you get a second change, and a third, a fourth, and more. In this highly competitive world of digital marketing, you want to utilize every tool possible and maximize the value of each visitor you drive to your website. For Remarketing, you’re using extremely valuable data, your own first-party data. This is why Remarketing is crucial and should be an important part of your marketing strategy.