As the fall approaches, many parents are beginning their back-to-school shopping, which can be critical for many local or small businesses. But, the productivity and profits most businesses will see during this time of the year can be increased with the right small business internet marketing campaigns.

According to a survey by, a major online coupon site, nearly 80 percent of parents intend on spending up to $500 per child on back-to-school shopping. In addition, 54 percent of parents will do this shopping in July and August, rather than after the school year starts in September.

But, about 30 percent of respondents also said they find the back-to-school shopping experience to be either annoying or stressful. This may be due to the amount of sales-, deals- and savings-based marketing that is prevalent around this time of the year, oftentimes inundating most consumers. In fact, according to a study by the University of Miami School of Business, most customers often misunderstand deals and sales due to their wording or presentation.

"Marketers could take this information and re-work their sales strategies and messages to focus more on the bonus packs with odd numbers than easy-to-convert percentages or the more typical percent-off type sales," said Michael Tsiros, chair and professor of marketing at the University of Miami School of Business.

In order to alleviate customer confusion and make this major point of consumer spending a more pleasurable experience, companies may want to rework their targeted internet marketing to promote a more clear and concise picture of what parents can find at their store during their shopping. This can be done most effectively by partnering with internet advertising agencies.