One of the most important things you can do as a small business (SMB) owner is create relevant content. When posted on your company's website, various forms of media, such as webinars, blog pieces and white papers, can increase your customer base and even increase loyalty. However, it's important to remember that before you hire a local online marketing firm to assist with this endeavor, you should take a few points into account.

1) Investigate how industry leaders approach content

You may feel a little silly asking successful companies for help, but in order to increase your SMB's profits, you need to find out what the secret to effective content is. Never be afraid to ask questions. The more you know, the more your business will achieve.

2) Reach out to customers

If you want to gain a larger following, you need to know what your customers want. One way to accomplish this is by conducting a survey and posting it on your company's website. Possible questions may include "What products are most important to you?", "What do you look for when working with another business?" and "How frequently do you use your mobile device to shop?"

3) Put together a webinar

It is unrealistic to expect that everyone who you invite to join your webinar will attend, but even having a small audience can be helpful. Viewers may talk to other individuals and tell them about your product or service. The more exposure your brand gets, the better.

4) Build off constructive criticism

We've all seen FAQ sections on websites, but in most cases, they aren't very helpful. Instead, identify the top 10 issues that customers complained about within your SMB and build your FAQ section off that. The information will be much more pertinent to consumers' needs.