This blog has reported on the meteoric rise in smartphone usage, as well as e-commerce. While businesses may think this means it's time to revamp their mobile websites to support online shoppers, it also presents an excellent opportunity to adjust small business internet marketing campaigns to leverage mobile browsers.

Jason Spero, the head of Google's mobile sales and strategy, recently told Entrepreneur Magazine that now is the time for companies to invest in mobile marketing techniques, but there are a few ways for this to be optimized.

One of the main points Spero made was for businesses to capitalize on the ability that targeted internet marketing can have on bargain hunters, specifically through mobile.

For example, most consumers are beginning to use their smartphones while shopping to check the prices of products. Should they find a deal on an item that they like better, there's a strong chance they'll choose that option. By targeting these individuals with mobile marketing, small businesses can advertise what deals and promotions they may have for the holiday season, potentially converting shoppers.

"Just being aware that price and offer-conscious consumers will walk out of the store they're in and walk into your store based on finding your deal or sale item on their mobile device is to understand the power of mobile connectivity," Spero told the source.

With online spending and consumer confidence on the rise, and mobile devices continuing to penetrate the standard way of life for most consumers, small businesses may want to consider pivoting marketing tactics toward taking advantage of these factors by investing in targeted mobile internet marketing.